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Locomotives parked surrealistically amid the shattered remnants of Atlanta’s Georgia Railroad roundhouse testify to the devastation wrought by Sherman’s relentless campaign. Before embarking on his March to the Sea, Sherman ordered the evacuation of Atlanta’s civilian population and destroyed the city’s transportation infrastructure. (Click photo to enlarge.)

Positioned in the embrasure of a former Confederate earthwork, a Union cannon guards an encampment of General Sherman’s victorious Yankees following the capture of Atlanta, Georgia. The fallen city is visible in the left background of George N. Barnard’s photograph. (Click photo to enlarge.)

In 1864, Union engineers spanned the vally of Running Water Creek near Whiteside, Tennessee, with a 780-foot-long railrood trestle. Photographer George, N. Barnard, who was employed by General Sherman’s chief engineer, made this view of the delicate-looking structure. (Click photo to enlarge.)

The orange and Alexandria Railroad bridge over Bull Run at Union Mills was destroyed by Confederate forces and rebuilt by the Union several times during the course of the war. (Click photo to enlarge.)

The contribution of African-Americans to the Union war effort was substantial. While nearly two hundred thousand black soldiers and sailors served in uniform, many others worked on the wharves and at the railroad depots that supplied Northern forces in the field. (Click photo to enlarge.)

In the Summer of 1861, military engineers of Company R, Eighth New York State Militia, gathered in front of their captain’s tent at Camp McDowell, Virginia. Like many other Federal militia units, the Eighth New York marched to war clad in uniforms of gray. (Click photo to enlarge.)
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Text is from Landscapes of the Civil War. Edited by Constance Sullivan. Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1995.